In Heroes, Infra & Dados, Tecnologia Written by

Instalando imapsync no Rocky Linux 8/9

How to fix: erro do imapsync no Rocky Linux

Imapsync – é uma ferramenta que trabalha no protocolo IMAP usada para
sincronizar, copiar e migrar caixas de email entre dois servidores.

Mais informações, acesse a documentação oficial

Os erros…

[root@yoda rocky]# imapsyncbash: imapsync: command not found

[root@yoda rocky]# yum install imapsync
Last metadata expiration check: 2:32:10 ago on Wed Feb  8 11:01:56 2023.
No match for argument: imapsyncError: Unable to find a match: imapsync

[root@yoda rocky]# dnf install imapsync
Last metadata expiration check: 2:33:54 ago on Wed Feb  8 11:01:56 2023.
No match for argument: imapsync

Provavelmente você irá receber uma mensagem parecida com esta:

Error: Problem: conflicting requests  - nothing provides perl(Readonly) needed by
imapsync-1.977-2.el8.noarch  - nothing provides perl(File::Copy::Recursive) needed by
imapsync-1.977-2.el8.noarch  - nothing provides perl(Test::Pod) needed by imapsync-
1.977-2.el8.noarch(try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--
nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)

Não adiantando acrescentar os parâmetros como –skip-broken. No
entanto, basta seguir os passos à seguir, para instalar o pacote
adicional EPEL.

Rocky Linux 8

[root@yoda rocky]# dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
[root@yoda rocky]# dnf install epel-release

Rocky Linux 9

[root@yoda rocky]# dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb
[root@yoda rocky]# dnf install epel-release

A saída será parecida com esta:

Rocky Linux 9 - BaseOS                                21 kB/s | 4.1 kB     00:00    
Rocky Linux 9 - AppStream                             26 kB/s | 4.5 kB     00:00    
Rocky Linux 9 - CRB                                  2.3 MB/s | 2.1 MB     00:00    
Dependencies resolved.
Package           Architecture        Version        Repositor             Size 
Installing: epel-release  noarch      9-4.el9        extras               19 k 

Transaction Summary 
Install  1 
PackageTotal download size: 19 k
Installed size: 25 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y

Downloading Packages:
epel-release-9-4.el9.noarch.rpm                      278 kB/s |  19 kB     00:00
Total     86 kB/s |  19 kB     00:00     

Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction testTransaction test succeeded.
Running transaction  
Preparing        :                                                                         
1/1   Installing       : epel-release-9-4.el9.noarch                                             
1/1   Running scriptlet: epel-release-9-4.el9.noarch                                             
1/1 Many EPEL packages require the CodeReady Builder (CRB) repository.
It is recommended that you run /usr/bin/crb enable to enable the CRB repository.
Verifying        : epel-release-9-4.el9.noarch                                             
1/1 Installed:  epel-release-9-4.el9.noarch                                                                  

Aí basta instalar novamente

[root@yoda rocky]# yum install imapsync
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64

Bingo! Imapsync instalado.

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Last modified: 21/02/2023
